Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A quick note about setbacks

I nursed my firstborn until he was 2 years 4 months, was so careful about his diet, thought I was doing everything right even before he was born. My doctor commended me in Canada for following the pregnancy recommendations so well. When my little guy started getting rashes and scratchy and it was declared he had allergies I was disappointed. All the hard work to protect the guy and I had no idea what I could have done to prevent this. My friend Tae said to me " but you don't know how much worse the allergy could have been if you didn't do all those things". That idea has reoccurred over the years. Working hard just to have something that seems like a setback to happen to realization that I had protected myself from something much worse. 

My Moms attitude is remarkable. She has been an avid exerciser and health geek for decades but she had a car accident 3 years ago that has made walking difficult. Still, she has been proud that she can manage what she can manage. Although in pain and can walk only for 15 minutes at a time she says the knee still looks way better than most who have such trauma and even though she is only able to be a fraction physically active than she was in the past she can still manage without a cane. 

It reminds me how I had a wonderful, respectful first relationship that gave me a strength that I wouldn't realize until I started dating others. Much later,when seeing another fellow, this man sat me down with my best friend and said that together they had cheated on me. I congratulated them and told them they were better suited for each other. I had no bitterness or anger because I had already that strong relationship foundation laid that gave me the knowledge it wasn't in my best interest. I was actually shocked that no strong emotions emerged and still to this day the only thing that remains is the wonderful sense that it rolled off my back. PS. found out nothing infuriates someone or creates more guilt like indifference in such situations. Just a tip on how to handle such people/ situations.

Physical, mental, spiritual, financial...each responsible little effort towards all build up something much more resilient that can handle just a little bit more of the natural and not so natural elements of life. If only 5 minutes a day spent on each development is all that I can afford, that 5 minutes is certainly better than zero.

I had a very, very, very minor setback today, I caught myself sulk for a few minutes but then reminded myself that if I hadn't laid the preventative layer this would suck much more. Hopefully next time I can bypass the fleeting disappointment altogether and nod my head with knowledge and confidence and say to myself "thank-you for me being able to handle it ".