Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Schedule Cleansing

Streamlining my life with 3 busy kids, a busy husband and work is a challenge but not impossible. I stayed with my cousin and his family for a few days in May. He has 8 kids ( politest, sweetest, most beautiful kids ) and has managed to create an exceptional life. The home works efficiently, it is not cluttered and from what I could see non-stressful. Everyone has time for their own hobbies and thoughts and have cozy, fun times together. My cousin and his wife have a relationship that is on a higher plain than anyone other couple I have ever met...PERIOD. 

I find that streamlining the budget is enjoyable and relatively easy. But "BUSY" is something else altogether. I want to do to my schedule what I have done with my expenses. Go through it carefully and start extracting things and think of how to make things more efficient. I have said " No" a couple of times recently which is a HUGE achievement. I am great at pulling myself in all directions thinking I am incredible rubberband woman only to snap. 

It is easy to take for granted that this "running around" mother thing is what is supposed to happen but I saw what a fine-tuned household can be. Less stuff, less spending, less engagement opens up pockets of time. And folks, it is a wondrous and beautiful thing to behold.